Posts tagged burn fat
When is the best time to workout?

I get asked this question a lot, by friends, family, clients , etc. Basically everyone is intrigued by this question. I think it's partially because everyone is looking for an easy fix to losing weight and getting healthy. I mean if not there wouldn’t be an entire industry of supplements and diet pills promising to get you thin quick, Or maybe they just want to maximize their time at the gym since most don’t really like it but they go because they figure it's the only way they will lose weight.

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What Supplements should You take?

Whenever someone embarks on a fitness journey, its is human nature to want to go all in. Meaning you want to buy every fruit and vegetable in the grocery store, new gym clothes and accessories and most importantly supplements. My clients are always asking me what is the best supplement that they can get for the  best results. The fitness industry has led us all to believe that without these supplements we will never get the results that we want.

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The 411 on Foam Rolling

Until about 6 years ago, I had no idea what a foam roller was. I was first introduced to it by my running coach, who was getting me ready for the Miami Marathon. She swore by this thing and urged me to buy one.

So I did, and I hated it. I am not going to sugar coat it for you guys; I absolutely hated it. It was a pain to do, I would always forget to use it and it hurt. We’ve all been there- when we dislike something or aren't very good at it, we tend to just forget about it and never do it.

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Secrets To Getting Stage Ready

I remember when I was getting ready to compete in Miss Florida USA, back in 2011, I was eager to try any 'SECRET" weapon that anyone told me. I would here whispers here and there about girls taking warm showers in Epsom Salt, others who drowned in preparation H, and the list goes on. Of course I had to try them all but to my disappointment none of them worked. 

I was always looking for a secret weapon that would just vanish my fat. Unfortunately, I never did find this secret formula..........until now. 

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